What We Offer


Our Tax Services

For the upliftment of your business, We provide invaluable services in the form of Business Audit, Consultation in Product & Service Effectiveness, Sales and Marketing Development, System & Processes Alignment, Team Structure Formation, and High-level Accountability Coaching.

Business Consulting

We provide worldwide knowledge-based, product-first, and innovative business solutions and services.

Tax Rescue Service

Need to file your tax returns or your firm is struggling with tax problems; our team is here to help.

Joint Venture Partner Solution

We partner with talented entrepreneurs with project-driven ideas for building product-first companies.

Bookkeeping & Accounting

Libre Professional Service will manage your bookkeeping to let you focus on other tasks.

What Our Clients Say

Sam is focused on his passion project of saving as many species as he can on his watch. Take advantage of his first-hand expertise, which can help you deliver optimal client outcomes and win new business.

Sam’s understanding placed me at rest in an otherwise anxious moment. He was forthright about his expectations for the case and guided me through the best and worst-case scenarios. There were no surprises in the end
Chritopher Lewis
Sam’s passion made me feel encouraged and hopeful after months of being made to feel useless and inadequate.
James Dawson
Sam Desai had the problem thrown out upon final resolution, and I am a happy camper who would suggest him to anyone in need
Danica Monroe
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Who we WorkED WITH

We've worked With Thousands of Satisfied Clients

Libre Professional takes great satisfaction in all of the work we do on behalf of our clients, as seen by our client testimonials.